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∎ Download Gratis Welcome to the Multiverse Sorry for the inconvenience Transdimensional Authority Book 1 edition by Ira Nayman Literature Fiction eBooks

Welcome to the Multiverse Sorry for the inconvenience Transdimensional Authority Book 1 edition by Ira Nayman Literature Fiction eBooks

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Download PDF Welcome to the Multiverse Sorry for the inconvenience Transdimensional Authority Book 1  edition by Ira Nayman Literature  Fiction eBooks

This hilarious science-fiction comedy novel follows the first case for Noomi Rapier, rookie investigator with The Transdimensional Authority – the organisation that regulates travel between dimensions. When a dead body is found slumped over a modified transdimensional machine, Noomi and her more experienced partner, Crash Chumley, must find the dead man’s accomplices and discover what they were doing with the technology. Their investigation leads them to a variety of realities where Noomi comes face-to-face with four very different incarnations of herself, forcing her to consider how the choices she makes and the circumstances into which she is born determine who she is.

Ira Nayman’s new novel is both an hilarious romp through multiple dimensions in a variety of alternate realities, and a gentle satire on fate, ambition and expectation. Welcome to the Multiverse (Sorry for the Inconvenience) will appeal to comedy fans who have been bereft of much good science-fiction fare these last eleven years. Ira’s style is at times surreal, even off-the-wall, with the humour flying at you from unexpected angles; he describes it as fractal humour. Anyone who has read his Alternate Reality News Service stories will know how funny Ira is. The characters we meet from around the multiverse deserve to become firm favourites with all fans of science fiction comedy.

People have said nice things too

***** (Paul Levinson former president of SFWA, Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America)

“It [Welcome to the Multiverse] was freewheeling weirdness, with a distinctly Canadian bent.” (Shirley Meier, author of The Fifth Millennium series)

“I sat nervously in the dentist office waiting to be called to the chamber of doom. My knuckles were white and it was a struggle to keep from bolting. I come from a generation when seeing the dentist was akin to vacationing in Spain during the inquisition. In any case, I opened my copy of Welcome to the Multiverse (Sorry for the Inconvenience) to distract myself and started reading. Moments later I erupted with a bark of laughter. The other people in the waiting room glanced at me like I had two heads. I kept reading trying to contain my mirth but it was no use. Another belly laugh tore out of me. I just couldn’t help it. Then a series of chuckles and another belly laugh. At that point the hygienist, with a sidelong glance, escorted me to my appointment. Welcome to the Multiverse (Sorry for the Inconvenience) is one of the funniest things I have ever read and it stays funny as the pages turn.” (Stephen Pearl, author of Tinker’s Plague and Nukekubi)

“Ira Nayman is one of the funniest Canadian writers I know… This book is funny in the Douglas Adams sense of the world - crazy, funny bits you'd never think of on your own in a million years…” (Nicole Chardenet, author of Sumer Lovin’)

“very dry, wry, sarcastic, sardonic, tongue-in-cheek, straight-forward and convoluted.” (Mia Darien, author of Cameron's Law )

“[Welcome to the Multiverse] is science fiction in a way, comedy in a way and a detective novel in a way. Read it and you will be a changed person.” (Geoff Nelder, author of ARIA)

“I really, really, really, really, really liked the book, and that is five reallys, so you know I mean it” (Eric Swett, author of Apocalypse Rising)
“intelligently written in a confident and quite unique voice which engages and disarms in equal measure” (Antony Jones, SF Book Reviews)
“My very first impression when I began to read Multiverse was that this was a book that appeared to be written by Terry Pratchett and Douglas Adams’ hyper-active love child.” (Michell Plested, Irreverent Muse)

“one of the funniest sci-fi books I’ve ever read…it’s been a long time since I’ve read anything as good and inventive as this.” (Risingshadow)

"This is a book that drips with satire, both the obvious critique and backhanded swipe… [although] Nayman is not above making goofy jokes."
(Kate Onyett, The Future Fire)

Welcome to the Multiverse Sorry for the inconvenience Transdimensional Authority Book 1 edition by Ira Nayman Literature Fiction eBooks

You know when you're 12 and you read Douglas Adams for the first time and think to yourself "Oh, he just makes clever twists and lists off absurd things and it's funny! I can do that!" Well guess what: no you can't because you're not Douglas Adams and neither is Ira. Ira tries very, very hard to channel an ironic and funny writing style. He fails. Utterly.

Product details

  • File Size 1075 KB
  • Print Length 336 pages
  • Publisher Elsewhen Press (January 9, 2014)
  • Publication Date January 9, 2014
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language English

Read Welcome to the Multiverse Sorry for the inconvenience Transdimensional Authority Book 1  edition by Ira Nayman Literature  Fiction eBooks

Tags : Welcome to the Multiverse (Sorry for the inconvenience) (Transdimensional Authority Book 1) - Kindle edition by Ira Nayman. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Welcome to the Multiverse (Sorry for the inconvenience) (Transdimensional Authority Book 1).,ebook,Ira Nayman,Welcome to the Multiverse (Sorry for the inconvenience) (Transdimensional Authority Book 1),Elsewhen Press,FICTION Humorous,FICTION Science Fiction Action & Adventure
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Welcome to the Multiverse Sorry for the inconvenience Transdimensional Authority Book 1 edition by Ira Nayman Literature Fiction eBooks Reviews

Noomi Rapier, a young woman with black hair strands that all stick out at 90 degrees to each other, is our main character and we follow her strange career as a Transdimensional Authority detective. Her inauspicious beginning was at her investiture where by being presented with a yellow vest, the reader is welcomed to one of the first of many puns – mostly hilarious and lateral thinking. Noomi is given as rookie assistant to the experienced Crash Chumley. Before she develops boredom coming to terms with office protocols, such as knowing the Ten Demandments, they are given a murder mystery. Yes, like all the other stories by Ira Nayman, this is hilarious and yet the reader is poked into thinking beyond the conventional.
Interestingly, this novel has a traditional detective framework even if the setting is in a multidimensional multiverse* in which the two detectives meet several doubles of themselves - a cunning disorientating ploy by their suspect, who toys with a prototype Home Universe GeneratorTM. So, we meet the detective novel conventions of man and woman detectives teaming up – and falling for each other in spite of their friction; solve a who-dun-it crime mainly by interrogating suspects and witnesses, and driving around a lot (in a fun Dimensional DeloreanTM).
The difference is that it all takes place in and between universes, where sentient gadgets speak to each other, and with Nayman’s unique bewitching style. And where mysterious characters, such as the one with my favourite name, Jessica Cornflake, appear as a side issue, she pops up at the end making perfect sense (comparatively).
Sex also has a different role in this novel. Besides the gadgets TOM and CATE being told to get a room, the narrator tells us that explicit sex will not be found and that ‘you know how it is... if not you should get out less.’ Further to telling us about the no sex (because they are almost always mind-bogglingly 50 shades of dreadful), we are treated to an item by Frederica Von McToast-Hyphen writing for the Alternate Reality News Service, quoting explicit sex scenes to demonstrate the point. Hah.
There are many other Nayman hilarities. The sentient kitchen, for example, is so possessive that if a human tries to boil an egg ‘it turns the heat up so much you could melt a pavement.’ Science too gets the treatment. The blank pages between p236 and 241 are not a typo but an example of b=rd2 where b = number of blank characters, t=time and d is the speed of lunch squared.
There are more quotes I could throw at you but you must find them for yourself.
There are times when the plot seems laboured. For example the visit to the prison sags somewhat and I don’t think the reader needs four versions of Noomi Rapier to make the point of mulitverse life. Even so the novel is up there with the best of bizarro work such as those by D Harlan Wilson.
Welcome to the Multiverse* is science fiction in a way, comedy in a way and a detective novel in a way. Read it and you will be a changed person.

*Sorry for the inconvenience
Time travel squared - or maybe Times Square at faster than light - or maybe E(d) Sullivan = MC-square, as Elvis, who appears as a main character in this gonzo novel, approached by Ms. Radames from the Time Agency (not Authority!), who's a Beatles not an Elvis fan, might have put it. There's also a Hindenburg (the dirigible), a Chronenberg (II'm pretty sure David), a Seldon (not Hari), and a Molly Holzschlag (either a former Connect Ed student or named after one, look it up), and lots more in this deeply frothy narrative. I'd review it for the Cross Temporal Press, if it really existed outside of this story. As it is, I can tell you if you'd like to read something that Tom Wolfe, had he mind-melded with Kurt Vonnegut and a little with Dr. Seuss, might have concocted, snap up. It's Just the Chronosphere (not Chronensphere!) Unfolding as it Should. Do it last year
The first third of the book wasn't bad, and I found it interesting and funny. Unfortunately, the more I read, the more ridiculous the book became. I forced myself to finish reading because I was hoping that it would eventually go back to being interesting and funny. It didn't. I would not recommend this book to anyone, and I'm glad that the version that I bought was only 99 cents, otherwise I would have been frustrated at the waste of my money as well as the waste of my time.
It becomes immediately obvious that to enjoy this book, one has to be a little off-balance to begin with and have no problem with crazed senseless blather. Luckily, that's me! So not only did I like this book, I actually sort of loved it!
You know when you're 12 and you read Douglas Adams for the first time and think to yourself "Oh, he just makes clever twists and lists off absurd things and it's funny! I can do that!" Well guess what no you can't because you're not Douglas Adams and neither is Ira. Ira tries very, very hard to channel an ironic and funny writing style. He fails. Utterly.
Ebook PDF Welcome to the Multiverse Sorry for the inconvenience Transdimensional Authority Book 1  edition by Ira Nayman Literature  Fiction eBooks

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